IN COLUMN 3, ENTER CODES FOR DISCONTINUATION IN THE SAME ROW AS THE LAST MONTH OF USE NUMBER OF CODES IN COLUMN 3 MUST BE SAME AS NUMBER OF INTERRUPTIONS OF METHOD USE IN COLUMN 1.ĪSK WHY SHE STOPPED USING THE METHOD. Did you become pregnant while using (METHOD), did you stop using to get pregnant, or did you stop for some other reason? IF A PREGNANCY FOLLOWED, ASK WHETHER SHE BECAME PREGNANT UNINTENTIONALLY WHILE USING THE METHOD OR DELIBERATELY STOPPED TO GET PREGNANT.ĬOLUMN 3: d. IF DELIBERATELY STOPPED TO BECOME PREGNANT, ASK:į. Nothing contained in this manual shall be deemed to be, and this manual does. How many months did it take you to get pregnant after you stopped using (METHOD)?ĪND ENTER '0' IN EACH SUCH MONTH IN COLUMN 1. RESIDENTIAL AREA IS LIKELY TO CAUSE INTERFERENCE IN WHICH CASE THE USER. Farex From 04 Cash Register User Manual Free PDFs can often be difficult to edit or to extract information from as its original intention was to make the exchange of.

IF MORE THAN ONE METHOD CODE CIRCLED IN 330/330A, CIRCLE CODE FOR HIGHEST METHOD IN LIST.ġ METHOD FAILED/BECAME PREGNANT WHILE USING E01 - Key Mode Error The key mode has been changed before the previous operation has been completed. #Farex from 04 cash register user manual manual #Farex from 04 cash register user manual manual.#Farex from 04 cash register user manual Manual Pdf.